Recent Keynotes, Seminars and Workshops
18/07/2024: “What does it mean to be human? Presence, agency and community in the age of the machines” – The 2024 Bailey Morris-Eck Lecture on International Trade, Media and Economics, Salzburg Global Seminar
What does it mean to be human in the digital age? by Stephanie Nicole Jura
Love Against the Machine: Imagining Soulful Media Futures – the 2024 Salzburg Academy on Media & Global Change
10/07/2024: Theatrical workshop on Shakespeare’s Pericles: Prince of Tyre in collaboration with the Faction ensemble and the Freud Museum in London, Young Actors Theatre Islington
28/02/2024: “The virtuous cycle of efficacy and our collective future”, speech at the CEO Clubs Greece Reflections event, Athens
13/02/2024: “When you’re stuck, just narrate… 10+1 tips on how to boost your productivity”, Faculty of Media & Communication Research Process Seminar, Bournemouth University
04/12/2024: «Η Φιλελεύθερη Δημοκρατία στον 21ο Αιώνα: Αναζητώντας το Κοινό και την Κοινότητα», κεντρική ομιλία στο διήμερο συνέδριο ‘Οι Προκλήσεις τις Φιλελεύθερης Δημοκρατίας Σήμερα’, Κέντρο Φιλελεύθερων Μελετών (ΚΕΦΙΜ), Friedrich Naumann Foundation, Κέντρο Πολιτικών Ερευνών Παντείου Πανεπιστημίου, Εργαστήριο Πολιτικής Και Θεσμικής Θεωρίας και Ιστορίας των Ιδεών – Εθνικό Ίδρυμα Ερευνών, 4-5 Δεκεμβρίου 2024
12/10/2023: “From personal experience to theory building: Developing new methods and research directions out of transformational experiences”, keynote at the EdD Creative & Media October conference
22/06/2023: Shame in Shakespeare’s Macbeth: a special theatrical workshop at the Freud Museum in London
10-16/06/2023: «Άβυσσος»: μια διαδραστική διάλεξη με τον Ρωμανό Γεροδήμο στην Οικία Κατακουζηνού, Αθήνα
07/06/2023: Keynote speech at the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce’s annual Women in Business Forum, Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center, Athens
25/05/2023: Research seminar at the University of Leiden (Hague campus), the Netherlands
03, 05, 07/04/2023: «Άβυσσος: μια διαδραστική διάλεξη με τον Ρωμανό Γεροδήμο», Οικία Κατακουζηνού
18/03/2023: Shame: Interdisciplinary Applications and Therapeutic Approaches
An interdisciplinary online conference exploring the theme of Shame, organised in partnership with the Freud Museum and Bournemouth University’s Centre for the Study of Conflict, Emotion and Social Justice (CESJ).
03/03/2023: Workshop on shame and trust at the inaugural symposium of the Criminal Justice Alliance, University of Westminster
08/02/2023: Workshop on shame and violence in Macbeth with the Faction ensemble, Wilton’s Music Hall
19/01/2023: “The New World Disorder: The Battle for Values, Identity, and Engagement”, Talk at the World Affairs Council of Rhode Island
16/03/2021: “Misinformation, Citizenship, and Media Literacy”, talk at the US State Department / NAMLE Techcamp Alumni Thematic International Exchange Seminar
11/03/2021: The Stavros Niarchos Foundation Centre for Hellenic Studies presents: “Deterrence: A Film Screening and Interview with Roman Gerodimos”, Simon Fraser University
09/03/2021: “Is There a Future for ‘the West’? European Security, the Transatlantic Alliance, and the Role of Values in the New World Disorder”, the 5th annual Edward and Emily McWhinney Memorial Lecture, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Center for Hellenic Studies, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Journal Articles
Gerodimos, R., Balbin, C., Chan, C., Freundt-Thurne, U., Gutiérrez Atala, F. J., Nyaole-Kowuor, R., & Melki, J. (2022). “Global Citizenship in Comparative Perspective: Youth Perceptions of Global Rights, Responsibilities and Efficacy Across Five Continents”. Observatorio (OBS*), 16 (Special Issue).
Gerodimos, R. (2022), “Humiliation, Shame and Violence: Honor, Trauma and Political Extremism Before and After the 2009 Crisis in Greece”, International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 31: 1, pp. 34-45.
Gerodimos, R. (2021), “Media Literacy, Security, and Youth Engagement with Global Current Affairs: The Case of Deterrence”, Journal of Media Literacy, vol 67: Storytelling Issue
Adi, A., Gerodimos, R. and Lilleker, D. G. (2018), “‘Yes We Vote’: Civic Mobilisation and Impulsive Engagement on Instagram”, Javnost – The Public, 25:3, pp. 315-332
Gerodimos, R. (2018), “Youth and the City: Reflective Photography as a Tool of Urban Voice”, Journal of Media Literacy Education, 10:1, pp. 82-103
Gerodimos, R. and Justinussen, J. (2015), “Obama’s 2012 Facebook Campaign: Political Communication in the Age of the Like Button”, Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 12: 2, pp. 113-132
Gerodimos, R. (2015), “The Ideology of Far-Left Populism in Greece: Blame, Victimhood and Revenge in the Discourse of Greek Anarchists”, Political Studies, 63: 3, pp. 608-625
Gerodimos, R. (2012), “Journalism Students as Global Citizens and Mediators: Incorporating Global Current Affairs into the Journalism Curriculum”, Journalism Education, 1: 1, pp. 70-86
Gerodimos, R. (2012), “Online Youth Civic Attitudes and the Limits of Civic Consumerism: the Emerging Challenge to the Internet’s Democratic Potential”, Information, Communication & Society, 15: 2, pp. 217-245
Gerodimos, R. (2008), “Mobilising Young Citizens in the UK: a content analysis of youth and issue websites”, Information, Communication & Society, 11: 7, pp. 964-988
Gerodimos, R. (2006), “Democracy and the Internet: Access, Engagement and Deliberation”, Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 3: 6, pp. 26-31
Gerodimos, R. (2004), “The UK BSE Crisis as a Failure of Government”, Public Administration, 82: 4, pp. 911-929
Gerodimos, R. (ed) (2022), Interdisciplinary Applications of Shame/Violence Theory: Breaking the Cycle, Palgrave Macmillan
Top Ten Books of 2022, Confer
“𝗚𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴… must absolutely be read by every single world leader… and by every single citizen as well” – Professor Brett Kahr, Chair of the Scholars Committee of the British Psychoanalytic Council, and Honorary Director of Research at Freud Museum London.
“𝗘𝘅𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗿𝘆… Every thought-provoking section of the book has actionable intelligence. Activists and scholars across fields will find this inspiring. And those making public health or public policy decisions as well as those standing on the frontlines of criminal justice or social justice will find it a wise and ultimately hopeful guide to a better future” – Professor Susan Moeller, University of Maryland
“A 𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 book… The collection is wonderfully consistent, insightful, and a vital addition to our understanding of violence” – Charles B. Strozier, Psychoanalyst and Professor Emeritus, City University of New York
“Covers a dazzling amount of conceptual and disciplinary space to offer a volume 𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗰𝗸-𝗳𝘂𝗹𝗹 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗮𝘀 and insights about the causes and dynamics of violence” – Professor Stathis N. Kalyvas, University of Oxford
“This 𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗵𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 interdisciplinary contribution to the human sciences could not be more timely or more needed as we face the continuing threat of forms of political violence both at home and internationally” – Professor David. A.J. Richards, New York University
Γεροδήμος, Ρ. (2020), Ανταποκρίσεις από τον 21ο αιώνα [Dispatches from the 21st century], Εκδ. Παπαδόπουλος
Karyotis, G. and Gerodimos, R. (eds) (2015), The Politics of Extreme Austerity: Greece in the Eurozone Crisis, Basingstoke: Palgrave
Scullion, R., Gerodimos, R., Jackson, D. and Lilleker, D. (eds), (2013), The Media, Political Participation and Empowerment, London: Routledge
Book Chapters
Gilligan, C. and Gerodimos, R. (2022), “Shame, Gender, and Radical Listening”, in R. Gerodimos (ed), Interdisciplinary Applications of Shame/Violence Theory: Breaking the Cycle, Palgrave Macmillan
Gerodimos, R (2022), “Breaking the Cycle of Shame and Violence: From the Individual to the Global”, Interdisciplinary Applications of Shame/Violence Theory: Breaking the Cycle, Palgrave Macmillan
Gerodimos, R and Parchment, M. (2022), “Working through Layers of Shame: Researching and Scripting Black Women, Dwarfs, and Other Misfits of the Old West”, Interdisciplinary Applications of Shame/Violence Theory: Breaking the Cycle, Palgrave Macmillan
Rigby, C and Gerodimos, R. (2022), “The Violence Intervention Project (VIP)” in R. Gerodimos (ed), Interdisciplinary Applications of Shame/Violence Theory: Breaking the Cycle, Palgrave Macmillan
Gerodimos, R. (2022), “Introduction: Interdisciplinary Applications of Shame/Violence Theory” in R. Gerodimos (ed), Interdisciplinary Applications of Shame/Violence Theory: Breaking the Cycle, Palgrave Macmillan
Gerodimos, R. (2022), “Media Literacy, Values, and Drivers of Youth Civic Engagement: Reflecting on two decades of research” in B. De Abreu (ed), Media Literacy, Equity, and Justice, London: Routledge
Gerodimos, R. (2021), “Comfort Zones: Change, Power and Responsibility” in P. Mihailidis, S. Shresthova and M. Fromm (eds), Transformative Media Pedagogies, London: Routledge
Gerodimos, R. (2021), “Authentic Encounters: the Human/Living Library Concept” in P. Mihailidis, S. Shresthova and M. Fromm (eds), Transformative Media Pedagogies, London: Routledge

Gerodimos R. (2019), “The Interdisciplinary Roots and Digital Branches of Visual Political Communication Research” in A. Veneti, D. Jackson and D. G. Lilleker (esd), Visual Political Communication in the Digital Era, Palgrave Macmillan
Mihailidis P., Gerodimos R. and Fromm, M. (2019), “Civic Intentionality and the Transformative Potential of Journalism Pedagogies” in K. Fowler-Watt and S. Jukes (eds), New Journalisms: Rethinking Practice, Theory and Pedagogy, London: Routledge
Gerodimos R. (2019), “Global Citizenship” in R. Hobbs and P. Mihailidis (eds), The International Encyclopedia of Media Literacy, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell
Gerodimos R. (2017), “From “being tethered” to “going unplugged”: media addiction and the role of unplugging as a transformative tool of digital literacy” in B. De Abreu, P. Mihailidis, A. Lee, J. Melki and J. McDougall (eds), International Handbook of Media Literacy Education, London: Routledge, pp. 337-353
Mihailidis P. and R. Gerodimos (2016), “Connecting Pedagogies of Civic Media: The literacies, Connected Civics, and engagement in daily life” in E. Gordon and P. Mihailidis (eds), Civic Media: Technology, Design, Practice, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
Gerodimos R. and G. Karyotis (2015), “Austerity Politics and Crisis Governance: Lessons from Greece” in G. Karyotis and R. Gerodimos (eds), The Politics of Extreme Austerity: Greece in the Eurozone Crisis, Basingstoke: Palgrave
Karyotis G. and R. Gerodimos (2015), “Dissecting the Greek Debt Crisis” in G. Karyotis and R. Gerodimos (eds), The Politics of Extreme Austerity: Greece in the Eurozone Crisis, Basingstoke: Palgrave
Gerodimos R. (2014), “Reclaiming the Urban Landscape, Rebuilding the Civic Culture: Online Mobilization, Community Building, and Public Space in Athens, Greece” in M. Shumow (ed), Mediated Communities: Civic Voices, Empowerment and Belonging In the Digital Era, New York, NY: Peter Lang
Γεροδήμος Ρ. και Ward J. (2014), “Διπλωματία των Πολιτών: Ένα πλαίσιο για τη μελέτη της διαδικτυακής εμπλοκής των πολιτών σε παγκόσμια ζητήματα” στο Α. Σαμαράς (επιμ.), Εικόνες Κρατών: Στρατηγική Επικοινωνία, Ήπια Ισχύς και Μέσα Ενημέρωσης, Εκδ. Καστανιώτη
Γεροδήμος Ρ. (2014), Πρόλογος, στο Α. Σαμαράς (επιμ.), Εικόνες Κρατών: Στρατηγική Επικοινωνία, Ήπια Ισχύς και Μέσα Ενημέρωσης, Εκδ. Καστανιώτη
Gerodimos R. (2013), “Introducing ‘Citizen Diplomacy 2.0’: A Framework for the Study of Online Civic Engagement with Global Affairs” in R. Scullion, R. Gerodimos, D. Jackson and D. Lilleker (eds), The Media, Political Participation and Empowerment, London: Routledge
Gerodimos R., Scullion R., Lilleker D. G., Jackson D. (2013), “Introduction” in R. Scullion, R. Gerodimos, D. Jackson and D. Lilleker (eds), The Media, Political Participation and Empowerment, London: Routledge
Gerodimos R. (2013), “Global News, Global Challenges” in S. Allan and K. Fowler-Watt (eds), Journalism: New Challenges, Bournemouth University: Centre for Communication & Journalism Research
Gerodimos R. (2012), “Online Youth Civic Attitudes and the Limits of Civic Consumerism” in B. Loader and D. Mercea (eds), Social Media and Democracy: Innovations in Participatory Politics, London: Routledge
Gerodimos, R. and J. Ward (2007), “Rethinking Online Youth Civic Engagement: Reflections on Web Content Analysis” in B. Loader (ed), Young Citizens in the Digital Age: Political Engagement, Young People and New Media, London: Routledge
Book Reviews
Gerodimos, R (2014), The Civic Web: Young People, the Internet, and Civic Participation, by Shakuntala Banaji and David Buckingham. Reviewed in: European Journal of Communication, 29:6, 755-7
Written Evidence in Parliament
18/04/2018: “The Ties that Bind: Citizenship and Civic Engagement in the 21st Century”, Report by the House of Lords Select Committee on Citizenship and Civic Engagement
Pamphlets, Guides & Reports
Β. Λεοντίτσης, Β. Τσαγκρώνη, Γ. Βοσινάκης, Ρ. Γεροδήμος, Δ. Δημοπούλου, Γ. Καρυώτης, Δ. Σκλεπάρης (2020), Συγκριτική Ανάλυση Ένταξης Μεταναστών και Προσφύγων στην Ελλάδα: Προσωπικές Εμπειρίες, Βέλτιστες Πρακτικές, Προτάσεις Πολιτικής, Διανέοσις, Ιανουάριος 2020
Gerodimos, R. (2019), “Post-Brexit ‘Global Britain’ as the theatre of the New Cold War” in D. Jackson, E. Thorsen, D. G. Lilleker and N. Weidhase (eds) UK Election Analysis 2019: Media, Voters and the Campaign – Early reflections from leading academics
Gerodimos, R. (2019), “Greece beyond the crisis”, in P. Manoli (ed), First thoughts on the 7 July 2019 election in Greece, GPSG Pamphlet No 6, Greek Politics Specialist Group
Gerodimos R. (2017), “Global Questions, Parochial Answers” in E. Thorsen, D. Jackson and D. Lilleker (eds), UK Election Analysis 2017: Media, Voters and the Campaign
Gerodimos R. (2015), First thoughts on the 20 September 2015 election in Greece, Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG) Pamphlet 5
Gerodimos R. (2015), “A transitional parliament” in D. Jackson and E. Thorsen (eds), UK Election Analysis 2015: Media, Voters and the Campaign – Early reflections from leading UK academics, Centre for the Study of Journalism, Culture and Community
Gerodimos R. (2015), First thoughts on the 25 January 2015 election in Greece, Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG) Pamphlet 4
Gerodimos R. (2014), How to: Present at Conferences – a guide for graduate students, Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG) Guide 1
Gerodimos R. (ed) (2014), First thoughts on the 18 & 25 May elections in Greece, Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG) Pamphlet 3
Gerodimos R. (ed) (2012), First thoughts on the 17 June 2012 election in Greece, Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG) Pamphlet 2
Gerodimos R. (ed) (2012), First thoughts on the 6 May 2012 election in Greece, Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG) Pamphlet 1
Previous Talks, Seminars and Workshops
29/11/2022: “From personal experience to theory-building: Developing new methods and research directions out of transformative experiences”, FMC Research Process Seminar, Bournemouth University
21/11/2022: “Political Violence in Greece: Patterns and New Directions” – talk at the Greek Politics Specialist Group Research Seminar, The British School at Athens
27/04/2022: “Interdisciplinary Applications of Shame/Violence Theory: The natural history of an idea”, Bournemouth University FMC Humanities and Social Sciences Research Seminar
22/03/2022: «Πόλεμος (και ειρήνη) στην Ουκρανία», ένα webinar του Κέντρου Πολιτικών Επιστημών του Παντείου Πανεπιστημίου και του Greek Politics Specialist Group
09/03/2022: “‘Black women, dwarfs , and other misfits of the Old West’: Researching and scripting A Probable Outcome“, presentation at the FMC Humanities & Social Sciences Research Seminar, 9 March 2022
14/12/2021: EAUC Webinar on Education for Sustainable Development – Bournemouth University Showcase
30/11/2021: “Combining Research with Filmmaking”, Research Process Seminar, Faculty of Media and Communication, Bournemouth University
26/03/2021: «Σκέψεις για έναν κόσμο που έρχεται», Ομιλία στη διαδικτυακή πλατφόρμα Rembrandt and the Cat
17/02/2021: “Media in Greece: Free or Dependent?”, Seminar organised by SEESOX, St Antony’s College, Oxford University
“Fusion on Film: Combining Education, Research and Creative Media Practice” – Keynote talk at the 2018 CEMP Residential
Opening Keynote, 14 September 2015, at the European Commission / Council of Europe Symposium on Youth Participation in a Digitalised World, European Youth Centre Budapest, Hungary
“Media and Change: Empowerment and Civic Voice”, 28 July 2014, 8th Salzburg Academy on Media & Global Change, Austria
“The Age of Engagement: Empowering Citizens in the Global Public Sphere”, 23 July 2012, Subnet / Salzburg Global Seminar, Max Reinhardt Library, Schloss Leopoldskron, Austria
“Is the Greek Crisis Symptomatic of EU Failure? In Defence of Institutions”, 9 March 2012, European Union Society, University of Sussex
Previous Conference Presentations
Vilhena-Winkler, A., Gerodimos, R. and McDougall, J. (2024) “The Art of Presence – Becoming Presence through Art-Based Media Literacy Education”, 5th International Media Literacy Research Symposium, São Miguel, Azores, June 27-28, 2024.
Γεροδήμος, Ρ. (2023), «Κατασκευάζοντας την αλήθεια: το JFK (1991) και η κινηματογραφική σύντηξη τεκμηρίωσης-πολιτικής», ανακοίνωση στην ημερίδα ‘Μυθοπλασία και Πολιτική στην Τηλεόραση και στον Κινηματογράφο’, Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, 10 Μαϊου 2023
Gerodimos, R. (2018) “The New World Disorder: The identity crisis of the West and the threat to the rules-based international order”. Presentation at the Bournemouth University Faculty of Media & Communication Workshop on Nations and Nationalisms, 22 May 2018
Read: The Great Unravelling [2]: A new world (dis)order
Gerodimos, R. (2016), “Algorithmic personalization as a media literacy issue: Opening the ‘black box’ of the Internet”. In: International Media Education Summit (MES 2016), 4-5 November 2016, John Cabot University, Rome
Gerodimos, R. (2016), “Engaging with public space, with each other and with the world: three priorities for the Literacies”. In: Media & Information Literacy & Civic Media Workshop, 14 October 2016, Söderntörns University, Stockholm
Gerodimos, R. (2015), “Youth and the City: Digital Literacy as a Tool of Urban Voice”, In: International Media Education Summit (MES 2015), 20-21 November 2015, Emerson College, Boston
Gerodimos, R. (2015), Opening Keynote at the European Commission / Council of Europe Symposium on Youth Participation in a Digitalised World, 14 September 2015, European Youth Centre Budapest, Hungary
Adi, A., Gerodimos, R. amd Lilleker, D. (2015), “Visualising Discourse: Civic mobilisation on Instagram during the 2014 Romanian Presidential elections”. In: Political Discourse: Multidisciplinary Approaches international conference, 26-27 June 2015, University College London
Gerodimos, R. (2014), “Mapping New Terrorism in Greece”, 3rd International Conference of the Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG): “Political Violence, Terrorism and Extremism in Greece and Europe”, 20 June 2014, Canada Water Library, London
Gerodimos, R. (2014), “Utilising public space and digital tools to facilitate urban coexistence”, 3rd International Conference of the Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG): “Political Violence, Terrorism and Extremism in Greece and Europe”, 20 June 2014, Canada Water Library, London
Gerodimos, R. (2014), “The Politics of Public Space in Athens: Power, Conflict and Co-existence in the Context of the Greek Crisis”. In: 64th annual conference of the Political Studies Association, 14-16 April 2014, Manchester
Gerodimos, R. and T. Gray (2013), “The Web of One: Web Personalisation v. User Satisfaction on Facebook”. In: Media and Politics Group Annual Conference, 13-14 November 2013, Bournemouth University
Gerodimos, R. and J. Justinussen (2013), “Obama’s 2012 Facebook Campaign: political communication in the age of the Like button”. In: ECREA Political Communication Conference, 18-20 September 2013, Milan
Gerodimos, R. (2011), “Populism, victimhood and ethical austerity”. In: 2nd International Conference of the Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG), “The Politics of Extreme Austerity: Greece Beyond the Crisis”, 8-9 December 2011, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
Gerodimos, R. (2011), “Introducing ‘Citizen Diplomacy 2.0’: A framework for the study of online civic engagement with global affairs”. In: Media & Politics Group (MPG) Annual Conference, 3-4 November 2011, Bournemouth University
Gerodimos, R. (2011), “Youth Engagement with Global Current Affairs: Lessons from a 2nd Year Multi-Media Journalism Unit”. In: 4th International Conference on Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship: “Global Vision, Local Action”, 8-9 September 2011, Bournemouth University
Gerodimos, R. (2011), “Extreme Emotions: an analysis of the role of emotions in the discourse of Greek terrorist and anarchist groups”. In: 61st Political Studies Association Annual Conference: “Transforming Politics: New Synergies”, 19-21 April 2011, London
Gerodimos, R. (2010), “Online Youth Attitudes and the Limits of Civic Consumerism: the Emerging Challenge to the Internet’s Democratic Potential”. In: “Networking Democracy? New Media Innovations in Participatory Politics”, 25-27 June 2010, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj
Gerodimos, R. (2009), “Civic Engagement in Post-Representational Democracy: Is it time for ‘Political Aid’ and ‘Civic Consultants’?”. In: 59th Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association: Challenges for Democracy in a Global Era, 7-9 April 2009, University of Manchester
Gerodimos, R. (2009), “Youth Civic Attitudes in a Segmented Public Sphere: Challenges and Prospects”, In: 59th Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association: Challenges for Democracy in a Global Era, 7-9 April 2009, University of Manchester
Gerodimos, R. (2009), “Online Mobilisation and Citizen Diplomacy”. In: 1st InternationalConference of the Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG), “Images of Nations: Strategic Communication, Soft Power and the Media”, 4-5 February 2009, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Athens, Greece
Gerodimos, R. (2008), “How to Mobilise Young People: Recommendations for NGOs and Civic Organisations”. In: 58th Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association: Democracy, Governance and Conflict: Dilemmas of Theory and Practice, 1-3 April 2008, University of Swansea
Gerodimos, R. (2007), “Engaging Young Citizens: Young User’s Evaluations of Issue Websites”. In: 57th Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association, 11-13 April 2007, University of Bath
Gerodimos, R. (2006), “Mobilising Young Citizens in the UK: A Content Analysis of Youth and Issue Websites”. In: Information Communication, Society (iCS) 10th Anniversary Symposium, 20-22 September 2006, University of York
Gerodimos, R. (2006), “A Deficit of Civil Society? A Comparative Analysis of UK Youth and Issue Networks and Websites”. In: 56th Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association (PSA), 3-6 April 2006, University of Reading
Gerodimos, R. (2005), “Democracy Reloaded: Generation Y and Online Civic Engagement”. In: 6th annual international conference of the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR), “Internet Research (IR) 6.0 – Internet Generations”, 5-9 October 2005, University of Illinois, Chicago
Gerodimos, R. (2005), “Political Communication and Crisis Governance: the Case of Greece”. In: Inaugural Northern Ireland Graduate Conference, 7 May 2005, University of Ulster
Gerodimos, R. (2005), “Democratic Engagement and Media Uses Amongst the Internet Generation”. In: 55th Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association (PSA), 4-7 April 2005, University of Leeds
Gerodimos, R. (2004), “Journalists in the eye of the storm: balancing ethics and competition”. In: MediaWise / National Union of Journalists (NUJ) Ethics Council Conference, 4 December 2004, London
Gerodimos, R. (2004), “The interaction of Civic Culture and Cyberculture and its Effect on Democracy: a Research Agenda”. In: 5th Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers, “Internet Research 5.0: Ubiquity?”, 19-22 September 2004, Brighton
Gerodimos, R. (2004), “Democracy and the Internet: Access, Engagement and Deliberation”. In: 2nd International Conference on Politics and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications, 21-25 July 2004, Orlando
Gerodimos, R. (2004), “Social Movements and Online Civic Engagement”. In: 2nd International Conference: Imaging Social Movements, 1-3 July 2004, Ormskirk
Gerodimos, R. (2004), “Democracy and the Internet: Emerging Lessons from the 21st Century Public Sphere”. In: 54th Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association (PSA), 6-8 April 2004, University of Lincoln
Gerodimos R. (2004), “Mind the Gaps: Political Rhetoric, Executive Reality and Public Trust”. In: Communication in the Age of Suspicion: Trust, Communication and Culture, 20-21 February 2004, Bournemouth University
Gerodimos, R. (2003), “The Blair Government v. the Media in the Iraq Crisis: Strategic Communications and Agenda Setting”. In: Annual Conference of the Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (EPOP) Specialist Group, 13 September 2003, Cardiff.
Gerodimos, R. (2003), “New Labour’s Strategic Communications Before and After 01/05/1997: A Comparative Case Study of Strategic Output”. In: 53rd Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association (PSA), 15-17 April 2003, University of Leicester
PhD Thesis
In 2010 I completed my PhD in political communication at Bournemouth University. The title of my thesis is “New Media, New Citizens: the Terms and Conditions of Online Youth Civic Engagement”. The abstract, full text and appendices of the thesis can be found here. My PhD won the Arthur McDougall Prize for Best Dissertation in Elections, Electoral Systems or Representation at the 61st Annual Conference of the Political Studies Association in April 2011.
The judges said: “This is a highly convincing and engaging body of research which attempts to explore in considerable detail and depth the various narratives and motivations of youth civic participation, in both its traditional and non-traditional forms. Specifically the thesis examines whether the internet provides for a different type of communicative and participatory environment and whether it can facilitate civic participation amongst young people who do not normally engage with traditional politics. Drawing on multiple data sources, including survey research, website content analysis and users’ evaluations, the thesis demonstrates that young people have a fundamentally ‘consumerist’ attitude towards political participation. The evidence presented here does not suggest young people as apathetic, cynical or ignorant, but less able to link politics and political issues to their ‘lifeworld’. Consequently, young people engage where certain ‘terms and conditions’ of participation—e.g. interest, demand, resonance and efficacy—are met. For his contribution to our understanding of questions fundamental to elections and representative government, Dr Gerodimos is a worthy winner of the Arthur McDougall Prize.”