Final tally:
268 days of cloud
17 days of unqualified sunshine
81 days of absence
The Cloud Diaries Rules:
1. Every circle is a day in 2016. Every photo is a cloudy day in the UK. Circles are numbered thus: Cloud Diaries count – Month Date. E.g. 184-0915 means “Cloud Diaries, Day 184: September 15th”, which means that up to that point there had been 184 cloudy days.
2. A “cloudy day” means a day when there was some cloud. It didn’t have to be completely overcast or grey throughout the day. Any amount of cloud at some point during the day = cloudy day.
3. Days when I was abroad are marked as “Away” and aren’t included in the cloudy and unqualified sunshine tallies.
4. The Cloud Diaries travelled with me around the UK. Most photos were taken in London, a few in Bournemouth, some in-between, a handful elsewhere in the UK.
All photos: © 2016 Roman Gerodimos
02/01/2017: “Ο Ρωμανός Γεροδήμος πολεμά την Εποχιακή Συναισθηματική Διαταραχή του με τον πιο έξυπνο τρόπο”, Lifo
Richard Mabey (2013), Turned Out Nice Again: On Living with the Weather, Profile Books

Eroded / English Summer (Roman Gerodimos, 2007, watercolour)
🙂 thanks